News from the EPR community

The local organizing committee and the French EPR association, ARPE, are pleased to invite you to the XIIth Conference of the European Federation of EPR groups (EFEPR) that will be held in Marseille (South of France) in September 2024, from 8th to 12th. This Conference will coincide with the 20th anniversary of ARPE.

The aim of the conference is to provide an international forum for high-level discussions to physicists, chemists, biologists and other scientists with both an academic or industrial background, interested in the latest developments in EPR spectroscopy. EFEPR 2024 will cover all developments and applications of modern EPR: Nanophysics and Materials, Biomedical and Biosystems, Energy and Environment, DNP and Advanced Methods, Theoretical approaches, Emerging approaches, ...

Early bird registration: 31/05/2024

Geneva (Switzerland), 3 - 9 September 2023 

Please visit the EFEPR page:

Registrations will open in February.

The 76th Yamada Conference

The 9th International Conference on Nitroxide Radicals (SPIN-2023)

Yokohama, Japan, 24-28 September 2023

Chemistry of nitroxide has undergone rapid growth due to combined progress in several areas including the design and synthesis of nitroxide radicals with targeted physical and chemical properties, the development of novel materials and supramolecules that take advantage of nitroxide functionality and parallel progress in new spectroscopic methods. The conference will cover:

1) Synthesis of functional nitroxide radicals;

2) Chemistry and physical properties of nitroxide radicals;

3) EPR studies using nitroxide radicals (spin labeling, spin probing,  DNP, MRI, etc.);

4) Application of nitroxide radicals in medicine and living systems;

5) Application to materials (redox systems, molecule-based magnet, etc.)

ARPE Spin-Around EPR school 2023

Carry Le Rouet (FR), 11-15 June 2023 

The EPR summer school organized by the French EPR association (ARPE) will be held in. This event will cover different aspects of EPR spectroscopy: from basic concepts, methodological advances and recent applications. All lectures and tutorials will be given during 5 half days and one day with practical works in the nearby laboratories in Marseille. A poster session and a series of flash presentations are included in the school program. For information, contact

Konstanz (DE), 21-22 September 2023

The Young Investigators in Magnetic Resonances workshop is a scientific event organized by early career researchers for their peers. EPR and NMR spectroscopies and related methodologies (i.e. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) will be the principal topics of the meeting. The applications and the methodological developments of these techniques for the characterization of different systems (from materials to biological complexes) will be discussed in the workshop.  The event aims at facilitating the exchange between PhDs, postdocs, and early-career researchers and building a network between future generations of researchers in this field.

Paris, 22 - 26 May 2023 

This presential meeting will review progress in EPR instrumentation and technology, data processing, and cover selected topics of biomedical applications of advanced EPR spectroscopy and imaging, such as metal proteins and macromolecules, development and use of new spin labels, spin traps, and spin probes for EPR and dynamic nuclear polarization, oxidative damage, oximetry, biophysics of melanin, dosimetry, and clinical applications. The meeting should provide great opportunities for sharing new ideas and research experience. The sessions will include 8 educational lectures, 14 plenary conferences, 40 short talks and 2 poster sessions.

Deadline for abstract for short talks no later than March 15th, 2023 

Deadline for abstract for poster no later than April 30th, 2023

PhD studentship in    Chemistry  at       University of Manchester

Project title:  Metal-Organic Frameworks for Clean Air: A Comprehensive EPR Study

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in chemistry (University of Manchester), to begin on 25 September 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter. The studentship is funded by an EPSRC DTG to study NOx absorption and electro/photo catalytic conversions of CO2 within metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) using EPR methods. The bursary covers all tuition fees and lab consumables for 3.5 years (the duration of the PhD) and will further provide a tax-free stipend (personal bursary) to the student. 

Main Supervisor: Dr Floriana Tuna; Co-supervisors:  Prof. Eric McInnes and Prof Sihai Yang.  

Further information and How to Apply:

Interested applicants are encouraged to email Dr Floriana Tuna in the first instance. 


Formal applications can be sent via:

Applications should also include a covering letter, two references and your CV.

Electron Spin for Quantum Technologies:

from Molecules to Devices  

19 Maggio 2023, Torino